Buy Corion High Purity Hcg Online In USA
What Is Corion High Purity Hcg?
Corion high purity hcg is originally intended for weight loss. But over the discovery of hcg for weight loss by Dr. Simeons many people are using hcg brands for shedding that excess baggage. The product is used by both men and women though many hcg dieters feel that hcg works only for women.
Corion HCG when combined with a promising diet plan claims to lose weight effectively helping them to attain the desired body shape without any adverse side effects. Many people claim that hcg diets can help them to gain back their confidence every time they take a look at the mirror thus motivating them emotionally as well as physically.
Corion HCG when combined with a promising diet plan claims to lose weight effectively helping them to attain the desired body shape without any adverse side effects. Many people claim that hcg diets can help them to gain back their confidence every time they take a look at the mirror thus motivating them emotionally as well as physically.
Corion high purity hcg is available as injection formula. This is because hcg injections work almost promptly in the body. Since they are directly injected to the body system, they function immediately and begin to break down the abnormal fat in the body without losing the muscle mass.
Note that you need to have a prescription if you are ordering from Corion high purity hcg. If you do not have a prescription, fast escrow refills has a panel of experienced doctors who will work with you. Only after proper scrutiny of your medical records will you be approved of the hcg diet. This is for safety measures concerned your health and inhibit any health risks.
The 500 very low calorie diet (VLCD) needs to be followed mandatorily if you are serious about losing weight with hcg. Keeping a restriction on the diet will also help you to curb binge eating, emotional eating etc. that can lead to sudden weight gain.
How To Mix & Use HCG 5000iu Injections
- 1 – 5000iu vial of hcg will have a powder. Make sure you buy enough for uninterrupted hcg diet.
- HCG injection kit (includes mixing syringes, empty sterile vial, bacteriorstatic water bottle, alcohol pads or swabs)
- Mixing Corion High Purity HCG
- Clean the 5000iu vial using the alcohol pads/swab
- Take the mixing syringe draw 2 ml of bacteriostatic water. Insert it to the bottle of Corion hcg. Now twirl it gently to make sure the hcg is absolutely dissolved.
- Pull the same 2ml of this hcg solution using the mixing syringe.
- Insert this solution to the empty vial.
- Add 3 ml more of the bacteriostatic water to this vial (that now has 2ml of hcg solution).
- Choose your dose. While most people choose 125-200IUs with each hcg shot (1x per day). While many go with the lower dose of 125iu, few need 175iu or 200iu of corion hcg shot.
How To Use 5000iu Corion High Purity HCG
Clean the area you want to inject using alcohol swab or alcohol pads. Many hcg dieters go with belly area, an inch away from the belly button or your upper thigh since the area is easily visible and accessible.
Take an injection needle. Remove the safety tip. Pass the needle through the hcg bottle and hold it upside down to draw the recommended dose (12.5 units = 125iu, 15 units = 150iu, 17.5 units = 175iu and 20 units = 200iu).
Once drawn, pinch the injection site a bit. Now stick the needle right in (not at an angle). If you have good amount of fat, you won’t feel a thing or else will feel a pricking sensation. Make sure to change the injection site each day, for instance, left thigh or belly area.
Inject the recommended dose fully. Remove the syringe, put the safety tip back on and dispose it off. Make sure to dispose off securely.
Take an injection needle. Remove the safety tip. Pass the needle through the hcg bottle and hold it upside down to draw the recommended dose (12.5 units = 125iu, 15 units = 150iu, 17.5 units = 175iu and 20 units = 200iu).
Once drawn, pinch the injection site a bit. Now stick the needle right in (not at an angle). If you have good amount of fat, you won’t feel a thing or else will feel a pricking sensation. Make sure to change the injection site each day, for instance, left thigh or belly area.
Inject the recommended dose fully. Remove the syringe, put the safety tip back on and dispose it off. Make sure to dispose off securely.
Corion HCG Warnings & Indications
Corion high purity hcg is quite a potent product that contains real human chorionic gonadotropin. If you have recently undergone any surgery or dealing with any condition such as heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes etc. make sure to consult your medical practitioner before implementing the hcg diet.
Corion hcg diet is not recommended for those who are pregnant or nursing for chances of multiple pregnancy or any complication to the unborn foetus. Since the hcg diet calls for very low calorie diet, it will not only affect the mother but the baby as well.
If you are planning to get rid of post pregnancy weight gain, consult your medical practitioner before implementing the hcg diet.
Corion hcg diet is not recommended for those who are pregnant or nursing for chances of multiple pregnancy or any complication to the unborn foetus. Since the hcg diet calls for very low calorie diet, it will not only affect the mother but the baby as well.
If you are planning to get rid of post pregnancy weight gain, consult your medical practitioner before implementing the hcg diet.
Corion High Purity Hcg Side Effects
Few users report no curb in hunger while on the hcg diet. This can happen on two reasons
- Initial phase where it is difficult to curb the hunger
- Their body is more potent that calls for a higher dose of hcg
- Regardless of any of the above, it is not a ‘side effect’ and rather a temporary phase that will fade away within a week.
- There are no adverse reactions reported by users after using Corion high purity hcg. People have successfully lost their weight without any harsh reactions.
However, side effects of HCG overall has been reported with many people claiming mild side effects such as
- nausea or dizziness
- vomiting sensation
- irritative mood behavior
- low energy levels
- increased thirst and hunger
- gloomy feel and depression
- lack of sleep and more
For those who are taking hcg diet seriously, make sure to consult your healthcare provider before taking on the Corion hcg diet for safety reasons.
Corion HCG Guidelines
If you are unsure about the corion 5000 i.u. hcg dosage, consult your medical provider who will give instructions on the dosage. Make sure to follow it correctly. You can contact Fast Escrow Refills or consult your doctor in case of any queries.
Corian hcg injections needs to be stored in refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degree Celsius. Ensure that it stays away from direct sunlight. Store them in a place which is inaccessible to pets and children to prevent any accidental poisoning.
Corian hcg injections needs to be stored in refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degree Celsius. Ensure that it stays away from direct sunlight. Store them in a place which is inaccessible to pets and children to prevent any accidental poisoning.
Corion High Purity Hcg Drug Interactions
Patients who were treated using Corion 5000iu (high purity hcg) reported rare reactions such as fever, rash etc. Female patients who have been treated with Corion hcg reported unpleasant ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome while men experienced sodium and water retention.
Note that these reports were taken from patients who were undergoing treatment for infertility.
Note that these reports were taken from patients who were undergoing treatment for infertility.
Buy Corion High Purity Hcg Online In USA
Reviewed by Sifasi Injection

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